KUR1502: MaxQuant (MQ) versus PAW

Phil Wilmarth, OHSU PSR Core, February 2018

Load libraries and the dataset:

The data are mouse bone marrow cell cultures from this publication:

Huan, J., Hornick, N.I., Goloviznina, N.A., Kamimae-Lanning, A.N., David, L.L., Wilmarth, P.A., Mori, T., Chevillet, J.R., Narla, A., Roberts Jr, C.T. and Loriaux, M.M., 2015. Coordinate regulation of residual bone marrow function by paracrine trafficking of AML exosomes. Leukemia, 29(12), p.2285.

The "media" samples are controls (one of the 4 did not label) and there are leukemia exosome-dosed cells (4 "exosome" samples). 10-plex TMT was used on a Thermo Fusion using the SPS MS3 method. The PAW pipeline is our in-house processing using the Comet search engine:

Eng, J.K., Jahan, T.A. and Hoopmann, M.R., 2013. Comet: an open‐source MS/MS sequence database search tool. Proteomics, 13(1), pp.22-24.

The pipeline converts the RAW files into text files using MSConvert from the Proteowizard toolkit:

Chambers, M.C., Maclean, B., Burke, R., Amodei, D., Ruderman, D.L., Neumann, S., Gatto, L., Fischer, B., Pratt, B., Egertson, J. and Hoff, K., 2012. A cross-platform toolkit for mass spectrometry and proteomics. Nature biotechnology, 30(10), p.918

Data from the MS2 scans are extracted for the Comet searches and the reporter peak heights are extracted from the MS3 scans. The pipeline uses the target/decoy method to make score histograms and determine score filtering thresholds. Accurate mass is used to create conditional score histograms where target/decoy delta mass histograms are used to set the accurate mass windows. Basic parsimony principles are used for protein inference and 2 peptides per protein were required. An additional protein grouping step was used to combine nearly identical peptide sets (often these are housekeeping genes). The pipeline is described here:

Wilmarth, P.A., Riviere, M.A. and David, L.L., 2009. Techniques for accurate protein identification in shotgun proteomic studies of human, mouse, bovine, and chicken lenses. Journal of ocular biology, diseases, and informatics, 2(4), pp.223-234.

MaxQuant was also used (version with mostly default values. The reporter ion mass tolerance was changed from 0.01 to 0.003. The proteinGroups file was used to prepare the input for R.

Cox, J. and Mann, M., 2008. MaxQuant enables high peptide identification rates, individualized ppb-range mass accuracies and proteome-wide protein quantification. Nature biotechnology, 26(12), p.1367.

Data from both pipelines were extracted from the results files with Excel. An accessions column and the 7 columns of TMT reporter ions were retained. Any decoys or contaminants were removed. Proteins were allowed a maximum of one missing data point in either media or exosome samples. Nominal values were used to replace any zero data values (50 for PAW and 5 for MQ).

In [93]:
# load libraries

#read the data files (saved as CSV exports from XLSX files)
data_MQ <- read_csv("MQ_prepped_data.csv")
data_PAW <- read_csv("PAW_prepped_data.csv")

# save the annotation column and remove from frame
anno_MQ <- data_MQ[8]
data_MQ <- data_MQ[1:7]
row.names(data_MQ) <- anno_MQ$Accession

# same for PAW
anno_PAW <- data_PAW[8]
data_PAW <- data_PAW[1:7]
row.names(data_PAW) <- anno_PAW$Accession
Parsed with column specification:
  Media_2.1 = col_double(),
  Media_2.2 = col_double(),
  Media_3.2 = col_double(),
  Exo_2.1 = col_double(),
  Exo_2.2 = col_double(),
  Exo_3.1 = col_double(),
  Exo_3.2 = col_double(),
  Accession = col_character()
  1. 4864
  2. 8
Parsed with column specification:
  Media_2.1 = col_double(),
  Media_2.2 = col_double(),
  Media_3.2 = col_double(),
  Exo_2.1 = col_double(),
  Exo_2.2 = col_double(),
  Exo_3.1 = col_double(),
  Exo_3.2 = col_double(),
  Accession = col_character()
  1. 4880
  2. 8
Warning message:
“Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.”
2192.7 2451.20 2618.8 5948.000 5236.200 9566.00 11218.00
16166.0 19475.00 20181.0 37464.00030435.00066189.00 77581.00
4963.1 6536.90 4125.3 2281.300 1715.200 2335.30 3045.40
225.3 710.05 479.9 89.244 93.066 354.58 102.32
8682.4 11858.00 9156.5 14046.00012271.00011821.00 13981.00
0.0 0.00 0.0 2137.000 1803.100 774.70 833.72
  1. 'A0A0B4J1G0'
  2. 'A1L314'
  3. 'A2A432'
  4. 'A2A4P0'
  5. 'A2A5R2'
  6. 'Q80Y50'
Warning message:
“Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.”
17176.667 18373.79 20207.487 43608.931 38753.788 69712.217 84569.287
222416.037278006.13 258481.586413029.624342793.142690879.498790929.176
42303.342 59989.47 47089.587 22846.630 17203.657 28344.861 28281.443
14561.088 19857.98 18019.557 11564.882 8860.283 19871.955 18646.281
97031.879125523.49 93152.521128637.734111808.755116842.868134418.838
6536.312 7659.45 6598.129 4603.276 3043.767 4302.922 5851.341
  1. 'A0A0B4J1G0'
  2. 'A1L314'
  3. 'A2A432'
  4. 'A2A4P0'
  5. 'A2A5R2'
  6. 'A2A6Q5'

Data from both pipelines need some prepping before loading

The data cleanup was similar for both results files. MQ allows single peptide per protein IDs. PAW requires 2 peptides per protein. MQ search parameters were the defaults. PAW uses a wider tolerance Comet search (1.25 Da), then makes score distributions histograms conditioned on accurate masses. PSMs with an accurate mass (set by a delta mass histogram) are filtered to an FDR of 1% in PAW based on target/decoy counts. For this dataset, both pipelines had similar numbers of identified proteins.

Supporting files are organized to help understand this data cleanup process:

  • MQ_data_prep_steps.txt has step-by-step details
  • proteinGroups.txt is the starting MQ file
  • KUR1502_proteinGroups_int1.xlsx is an intermediate save (referenced in steps)
  • KUR1502_proteinGroups_int2.xlsx is the version at the end of the prep steps

Need to do something with zeros in MQ data (PAW is OK)

We will replace any zeros in the MQ data table with the value of 5 (we used 50 in PAW).

What do the raw (un-normalized) data distributions look like?

We will use box plots, a common way to summarize distributions, and distribution density plots to visualize the Log base 2 of the intensities. The 3 media samples are in one color and the 4 exosome-dosed samples are in another color. We will also look at density distributions. MQ data first, then PAW data.

In [94]:
# take care of the zeros in MQ frame
data_MQ[data_MQ <= 1] <- 5

# do this in a 2x2 plot
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

# let's see what the starting MQ data look like
boxplot(log2(data_MQ), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "RAW MQ data")

# NOTE: density distributions order samples differently than box plots...
plotDensities(log2(data_MQ), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "Raw MQ data")

# PAW data
boxplot(log2(data_PAW), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "RAW PAW data")

plotDensities(log2(data_PAW), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "Raw PAW data")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

There are more missing data values in MQ than PAW

The small bump near the origin in both density plots are the zero replacement values.

Do we need to do some data normalization?

Let's check the total signal in each channel for the 7 samples (below). We have significant differences that we can correct with some basic normalizing. There was supposed to be the same amount of protein labeled in each sample. We should have the total signals in each channel summing to the same value. We can average the numbers below and compute normalization factors to make the sums end up the same.

In [95]:
format(round(colSums(data_MQ), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")
format(round(colSums(data_PAW), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")
[1] "MQ:"
' 93,406,695'
' 76,529,590'
' 62,206,244'
' 85,277,172'
' 96,579,304'
[1] "PAW:"
' 894,596,889'
' 733,261,436'
' 602,872,732'
' 814,189,831'
' 928,530,343'
In [96]:
# figure out the global scaling value
target_MQ <- mean(colSums(data_MQ))
target_PAW <- mean(colSums(data_PAW))

# do the sample loading normalization before the IRS normalization
# there is a different correction factor for each column
norm_facs_MQ <- target_MQ / colSums(data_MQ)
data_MQ_sl <- sweep(data_MQ, 2, norm_facs_MQ, FUN = "*")
norm_facs_PAW <- target_PAW / colSums(data_PAW)
data_PAW_sl <- sweep(data_PAW, 2, norm_facs_PAW, FUN = "*")

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# see what the SL normalized data look like
boxplot(log2(data_MQ_sl), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "SL MQ data")

# NOTE: density distributions order samples differently than box plots...
plotDensities(log2(data_MQ_sl), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "SL MQ data")

# PAW data
boxplot(log2(data_PAW_sl), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "SL PAW data")

plotDensities(log2(data_PAW_sl), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "SL PAW data")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
In [97]:
# check the columnn totals
format(round(colSums(data_MQ_sl), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")
format(round(colSums(data_PAW_sl), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")

MQ has different scale but looks similar otherwise

MQ might be dividing peak heights by the number of reporter ions (10 here). The very low bump in the density plots are the replacments for zeros (5 in MQ and 50 in PAW).

Sample loading normalization looks sufficient, but we can add trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) normalization from edgeR anyway.

In [98]:
# do TMM on MQ data
MQ_tmm <- calcNormFactors(data_MQ_sl)
data_MQ_tmm <- sweep(data_MQ_sl, 2, MQ_tmm, FUN = "/") # this is data after SL and TMM on original scale

# also on PAW data
PAW_tmm <- calcNormFactors(data_PAW_sl)
data_PAW_tmm <- sweep(data_PAW_sl, 2, PAW_tmm, FUN = "/") # this is data after SL and TMM on original scale

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
boxplot(log2(data_MQ_tmm), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "SL/TMM MQ data")
plotDensities(log2(data_MQ_tmm), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "SL/TMM MQ data")

# PAW data
bp_mq <- boxplot(log2(data_PAW_tmm), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), 
        notch = TRUE, main = "SL/TMM PAW data")
pd_mq <- plotDensities(log2(data_PAW_tmm), col = c(rep("blue", 4), rep("red", 3)), main = "SL/TMM PAW data")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

TMM was probably not needed...

In [99]:
format(round(colSums(data_MQ_tmm), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")
format(round(colSums(data_PAW_tmm), digits = 0), big.mark = ",")

Check how the samples cluster

In [100]:
# see how things cluster after we have gotten the boxplots and desity plots looking nice
plotMDS(log2(data_MQ_tmm), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), main = "SL/TMM MQ")
plotMDS(log2(data_PAW_tmm), col = c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 4)), main = "SL/TMM PAW")

Clustering also looks similar between MQ and PAW

Next, check the CV distributions.

In [101]:
# function computes CVs per time point
make_CVs <- function(df) {
  # separate by samples
  media <- df[1:3]
  exo <- df[4:7]
  media$ave <- rowMeans(media)
  media$sd <- apply(media[1:3], 1, sd)
  media$cv <- 100 * media$sd / media$ave
  exo$ave <- rowMeans(exo)
  exo$sd <- apply(exo[1:4], 1, sd)
  exo$cv <- 100 * exo$sd / exo$ave  
  ave_df <- data.frame(media$ave, exo$ave)
  sd_df <- data.frame(media$sd, exo$sd)
  cv_df <- data.frame(media$cv, exo$cv)
  return(list(ave_df, sd_df, cv_df))

Compare the CV distributions for the different normalized data

In [102]:
# get CVs and averages
list_MQ_sl <- make_CVs(data_MQ_sl)
list_PAW_sl <- make_CVs(data_PAW_sl)
list_MQ_tmm <- make_CVs(data_MQ_tmm)
list_PAW_tmm <- make_CVs(data_PAW_tmm)

# compare CV distributions
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
boxplot(list_MQ_sl[[3]], notch = TRUE, main = "MQ/SL CVs", ylim = c(0, 100))
boxplot(list_MQ_tmm[[3]], notch = TRUE, main = "MQ/SL/TMM CVs", ylim = c(0, 100))
boxplot(list_PAW_sl[[3]], notch = TRUE, main = "PAW/SL CVs", ylim = c(0, 100))
boxplot(list_PAW_tmm[[3]], notch = TRUE, main = "PAW/SL/TMM CVs", ylim = c(0, 100))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
In [103]:
# print out the average median CVs
print("MQ (%) (SL then SL/TMM):")
(MQ_sl_med_cv <- round(mean(apply(list_MQ_sl[[3]], 2, median)), 2))
(MQ_tmm_med_cv <- round(mean(apply(list_MQ_tmm[[3]], 2, median)), 2))
print("PAW (%) (SL then SL/TMM):")
(PAW_sl_med_cv <- round(mean(apply(list_PAW_sl[[3]], 2, median)),2))
(PAW_tmm_med_cv <- round(mean(apply(list_PAW_tmm[[3]], 2, median)), 2))
[1] "MQ (%) (SL then SL/TMM):"
[1] "PAW (%) (SL then SL/TMM):"

CVs are similar and TMM did not change them much

Let's compare replicates to each other

MQ looks to be peak heights divided by the number of channels (that is my best guess). We can verify that reporter ion processing is reasonable by comparing the intra-replicate correlations between MQ and PAW.

In [104]:
pairs.panels(log2(data_MQ_tmm[1:3]), lm = TRUE, main = "MQ SL/TMM Media")
In [105]:
pairs.panels(log2(data_PAW_tmm[1:3]), lm = TRUE, main = "PAW SL/TMM Media")
In [106]:
pairs.panels(log2(data_MQ_tmm[4:7]), lm = TRUE, main = "MQ SL/TMM Exosome")
In [107]:
pairs.panels(log2(data_PAW_tmm[4:7]), lm = TRUE, main = "PAW SL/TMM Exosome")

Generally, replicate-to-replicate comparisons are similar

Let's also compare MQ and PAW protein total intensities to each other. The PAW export was adjusted so that protein accessions were in the same format as MQ reports. We get 4300 common protein out of 4870-ish identified by each.

In [108]:
df_MQ <- cbind(anno_MQ, data_MQ_tmm)
df_PAW <- cbind(anno_PAW, data_PAW_tmm)
df_both <- merge(df_MQ, df_PAW, by = "Accession")
# head(df_both)
  1. 4386
  2. 15

Can MQ and PAW protein level numbers be compared?

The short answer is no. Due to many different factors, each protein in MQ can have a different set of PSMs compared to PAW. The reporter ions can have several orders of magnitude range in intensities. Totals with different numbers of PSMs can have significant differences.

Below, we are comparing within and between pipeline (MQ or PAW) by condition. Between pipeline comparisons have greatly increased scatter in contrast to tighter within pipeline scatter plots.

In [109]:
media <- df_both[c(2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11)]
pairs.panels(log2(media), lm = TRUE, main = "MQ vs PAW, Media")
exo <- df_both[c(5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15)]
pairs.panels(log2(exo), lm = TRUE, main = "MQ vs PAW, Exosome")

Look at average media versus average exosome

In [110]:

# add marginal distrubution histograms to basic correlation plot (good starting point)
ave_MQ <- data.frame(media = rowMeans(data_MQ_tmm[1:3]), exosome = rowMeans(data_MQ_tmm[4:7]))
corr_plot <- ggplot(ave_MQ, aes(x = log10(media), y = log10(exosome))) +
  geom_point() + ggtitle("Media vs Exo: MQ")
ggMarginal(corr_plot, type = "histogram")

ave_PAW <- data.frame(media = rowMeans(data_PAW_tmm[1:3]), exosome = rowMeans(data_PAW_tmm[4:7]))
corr_plot <- ggplot(ave_PAW, aes(x = log10(media), y = log10(exosome))) +
  geom_point() + ggtitle("Media vs Exosome: PAW")
ggMarginal(corr_plot, type = "histogram")

On average, both MQ and PAW seem to be behaving well

Try edgeR on MQ - does the scale of numbers matter?

MaxQuant intensities are roughtly 1/10th the actual peak heights (from XCalibur, Proteome Discoverer, or the direct processing in PAW). MaxQuant does not describe how the reporter ion values are generated. My guess is peak height intensity divided by the number of TMT reagents selected when MQ was run. Do these smaller numbers cause any issues with edgeR? The Poisson component in the negative binomial model used in edgeR will kick in at some point as quantites get smaller. The Poisson variance is relatively smaller when numbers are larger, so the over-dispersion parameter will tend to dominate.

The typical analysis goes something like this:

  • load the data into edgeR data structures
  • run TMM and estimate dispersions
  • plot the Biological Coefficient of Variation (BCV)
  • do the exact test and get p-values, FDRs
  • check the p-value distribution
  • perform desired statistical tests
  • visualize test results
  • collect up normalized data and test results, and write out the table
In [111]:
# set up the sample mapping
group <- c(rep("media", 3), rep("exo", 4))

# make group into factors and set the order
group <- factor(group, levels = c("media", "exo"))

# create a DGEList object with our data
y_MQ <- DGEList(counts = data_MQ_sl, group = group)
y_MQ <- calcNormFactors(y_MQ)
y_MQ <- estimateDisp(y_MQ)

# y_MQ is a list: y_MQ$counts is the data, and y_MQ$samples has interesting content
plotBCV(y_MQ, main = "Biological variation MQ")
 Factor w/ 2 levels "media","exo": 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Design matrix not provided. Switch to the classic mode.
Media_2.1media 92869013 1.0491250
Media_2.2media 92869013 1.0685941
Media_3.2media 92869013 1.0413223
Exo_2.1exo 92869013 0.9863934
Exo_2.2exo 92869013 0.9865682
Exo_3.1exo 92869013 0.9331750
Exo_3.2exo 92869013 0.9432665
In [112]:
# the exact test object has columns like fold-change, CPM, and p-values
et_MQ <- exactTest(y_MQ, pair = c("media", "exo"))
summary(decideTestsDGE(et_MQ)) # this counts up, down, and unchanged genes (here it is proteins)

# the topTags function adds the BH FDR values to an exactTest data frame. Make sure not to change row order!
tt_MQ <- topTags(et_MQ, n = 10000, sort.by = "none")
tt_MQ <- tt_MQ$table # tt_sl is a list. We just need the data frame table

# add the default value as a new column
tt_MQ$candidate <- "no"
tt_MQ[which(tt_MQ$FDR <= 0.10 & tt_MQ$FDR > 0.05), dim(tt_MQ)[2]] <- "low"
tt_MQ[which(tt_MQ$FDR <= 0.05 & tt_MQ$FDR > 0.01), dim(tt_MQ)[2]] <- "med"
tt_MQ[which(tt_MQ$FDR <= 0.01), dim(tt_MQ)[2]] <- "high"
tt_MQ$candidate <- factor(tt_MQ$candidate, levels = c("high", "med",  "low", "no"))

# what does tt_MQ look like?

# what does the test p-value distribution look like?
ggplot(tt_MQ, aes(PValue)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 100, fill = "white", color = "black") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = mean(hist(tt_MQ$PValue, breaks = 100, plot = FALSE)$counts[26:100])) +
  ggtitle("MQ/edgeR p-value distribution")
Down         966
NotSig      2896
Up          1002
A0A0B4J1G0 2.2493375 6.074863 3.384741e-192.385997e-17high
A1L314 2.0253513 8.822280 3.323922e-131.130598e-11high
A2A432-0.5636108 5.187919 2.475148e-041.195543e-03high
A2A4P0-0.9589363 1.550561 1.356884e-012.327181e-01no
A2A5R2 1.0028096 7.077859 2.217969e-093.694589e-08high
Q80Y50 8.7196213 3.456452 4.129234e-298.732432e-27high

PAW data

In [113]:
# create a DGEList object with our data
y_PAW <- DGEList(counts = data_PAW_sl, group = group)
y_PAW <- calcNormFactors(y_PAW)
y_PAW <- estimateDisp(y_PAW)

# y_PAW is a list: y_PAW$counts is the data, and y_PAW$samples has interesting content
plotBCV(y_PAW, main = "Biological variation PAW")
Design matrix not provided. Switch to the classic mode.
Media_2.1media 8884967411.0310378
Media_2.2media 8884967411.0393370
Media_3.2media 8884967411.0258469
Exo_2.1exo 8884967411.0016254
Exo_2.2exo 8884967411.0033950
Exo_3.1exo 8884967410.9501978
Exo_3.2exo 8884967410.9525662
In [114]:
# the exact test object has columns like fold-change, CPM, and p-values
et_PAW <- exactTest(y_PAW, pair = c("media", "exo"))
summary(decideTestsDGE(et_PAW)) # this counts up, down, and unchanged genes (here it is proteins)

# the topTags function adds the BH FDR values to an exactTest data frame. Make sure not to change row order!
tt_PAW <- topTags(et_PAW, n = 10000, sort.by = "none")
tt_PAW <- tt_PAW$table # tt_PAW is a list. We just need the data frame table

# add the default value as a new column
tt_PAW$candidate <- "no"
tt_PAW[which(tt_PAW$FDR <= 0.10 & tt_PAW$FDR > 0.05), dim(tt_PAW)[2]] <- "low"
tt_PAW[which(tt_PAW$FDR <= 0.05 & tt_PAW$FDR > 0.01), dim(tt_PAW)[2]] <- "med"
tt_PAW[which(tt_PAW$FDR <= 0.01), dim(tt_PAW)[2]] <- "high"
tt_PAW$candidate <- factor(tt_PAW$candidate, levels = c("high", "med",  "low", "no"))

# what does tt_sl look like?

# what does the test p-value distribution look like?
ggplot(tt_PAW, aes(PValue)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 100, fill = "white", color = "black") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = mean(hist(tt_PAW$PValue, breaks = 100, plot = FALSE)$counts[26:100])) +
  ggtitle("PAW/edgeR p-value distribution")
Down        1022
NotSig      2827
Up          1031
A0A0B4J1G0 2.1334942 5.692575 5.913425e-183.069948e-16high
A1L314 1.6194120 9.017670 4.840078e-121.230186e-10high
A2A432-0.5285308 5.252394 5.120794e-042.105263e-03high
A2A4P0 0.2375578 4.172903 3.394859e-014.613261e-01no
A2A5R2 0.7656244 7.092717 2.368108e-093.703964e-08high
A2A6Q5-0.1426184 2.616548 5.310715e-016.458084e-01no

Visualize the edgeR results for MQ

  • make the volcano plot frame
  • look at MA plots
  • look at scatter plots
  • look at volcano plot

We will make some plotting functions to simplify the processing. We will be calling these multiple times.

In [115]:
# We need one extra library

# function for MA plots
pw_ma_plot <- function(frame, x, y, f, title) {
  # frame = data frame with data
  # x, y are the string names of the x and y columns
  # f is the factor for faceting, title is a string for plot titles
  # make the main MA plot
  temp <- data.frame(log2((frame[x] + frame[y])/2), log2(frame[y] / frame[x]), frame[f])
  colnames(temp) <- c("Ave", "FC", "candidate")
  first  <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = Ave, y = FC)) +
    geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
    scale_y_continuous(paste0("logFC (", x, "/", y, ")")) +
    scale_x_continuous("Ave_intensity") +
    ggtitle(title) + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.0, color = "black") + # one-to-one line
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold up
    geom_hline(yintercept = -1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") # 2-fold down

  # make separate MA plots
  second <- ggplot(temp, aes(x = Ave, y = FC)) +
    geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
    scale_y_continuous(paste0("logFC (", x, "/", y, ")")) +
    scale_x_continuous("Ave_intensity") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0.0, color = "black") + # one-to-one line
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold up
    geom_hline(yintercept = -1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold down
    facet_wrap(~ candidate) +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "(separated)", sep=" "))

pw_scatter_plot <- function(frame, X, Y, f, title) {
  # frame = data frame with data
  # x, y are the string names of the x and y columns
  # f is the factor for faceting, title is a string for plot titles
  # make the combined candidate corelation plot
  first <- ggplot(frame, aes_string(X, Y)) +
    geom_point(aes_string(color = f, shape = f)) +
    scale_y_log10() +
    scale_x_log10() +
    ggtitle(title) + 
    geom_abline(intercept = 0.0, slope = 1.0, color = "black") + # one-to-one line
    geom_abline(intercept = 0.301, slope = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold up
    geom_abline(intercept = -0.301, slope = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") # 2-fold down

  # make separate corelation plots
  second <- ggplot(frame, aes_string(X, Y)) +
    geom_point(aes_string(color = f, shape = f)) +
    scale_y_log10() +
    scale_x_log10() +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0.0, slope = 1.0, color = "black") + # one-to-one line
    geom_abline(intercept = 0.301, slope = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold up
    geom_abline(intercept = -0.301, slope = 1.0, color = "black", linetype = "dotted") + # 2-fold down
    facet_wrap(~ candidate) +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "(separated)", sep=" ")) 

We will categorize differential expression (DE) candidates based on FDR

  • "no" are proteins with FDR > 0.10
  • "low" are 0.10 >= FDR > 0.05
  • "med" are 0.05 >= FDR > 0.01
  • and "high" have 0.01 >= FDR
In [116]:
# for plotting results, we will use the average intensities for the samples
ave_MQ$candidate <- tt_MQ$candidate
volcano_MQ <- data.frame(log2(ave_MQ$exosome / ave_MQ$media), log10(tt_MQ$FDR)*(-1), ave_MQ$candidate)
colnames(volcano_MQ) <- c("FoldChange", "FDR", "candidate")

# start with MA plot
pw_ma_plot(ave_MQ, "media", "exosome", "candidate", "MQ data")
# now the scatter plot
pw_scatter_plot(ave_MQ, "media", "exosome", "candidate", "MQ data")

# make a volcano plot
ggplot(volcano_MQ, aes(x = FoldChange, y = FDR)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
  xlab("Fold-Change (Log2)") +
  ylab("-Log10 FDR") +
  ylim(c(NA, 40)) +
  xlim(c(-5, 10)) +
  ggtitle("MQ Volcano Plot")
-0.5636031 2.9224347high
-0.9591335 0.6331698no
1.0028054 7.4324338high
Warning message:
“Removed 6 rows containing missing values (geom_point).”

Now look at PAW data

  • make the volcano plot frame
  • look at MA plots
  • look at scatter plots
  • look at volcano plot
In [117]:
# for plotting results, we will use the average intensities for the samples
ave_PAW$candidate <- tt_PAW$candidate
volcano_PAW <- data.frame(log2(ave_PAW$exosome / ave_PAW$media), log10(tt_PAW$FDR)*(-1), ave_PAW$candidate)
colnames(volcano_PAW) <- c("FoldChange", "FDR", "candidate")

# start with MA plot
pw_ma_plot(ave_PAW, "media", "exosome", "candidate", "PAW data")
# now the scatter plot
pw_scatter_plot(ave_PAW, "media", "exosome", "candidate", "PAW data")

# make a volcano plot
ggplot(volcano_PAW, aes(x = FoldChange, y = FDR)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
  xlab("Fold-Change (Log2)") +
  ylab("-Log10 FDR") +
  ylim(c(NA, 40)) +
  xlim(c(-5, 10)) +
  ggtitle("PAW Volcano Plot")
1.6194128 9.9100290high
-0.5285279 2.6766936high
0.2375686 0.3359919no
0.7656234 7.4313332high
-0.1426176 0.1898963no
Warning message:
“Removed 8 rows containing missing values (geom_point).”
In [118]:


MQ and PAW data seem comparable

  • data before and after normalizations were qualitatively similar
  • sample replicate-to-replicate scatter plots were also qualitatively similar
  • PAW processing had fewer missing data values and the data were a bit tighter
  • the MA plots, scatter plots, and volcano plot seem to have better separation by candidate category with PAW data
  • protein grouping in PAW is probably better than razor peptide approach in MQ

edgeR seems to work fine with MQ data

edgeR has a Poisson component that will depend on the magnitude of the numbers being tested. MQ values are about 10 times smaller than PAW values. However, edgeR results seemed to be qualitatively very similar. The up- and down-regulated numbers were similar, as were the numbers in the different candidate categories. Limma may still be a more appropriate package than edgeR for TMT data, but it seems that edgeR is not having any issues with either PAW or MQ data.

Getting data into and out of R

There is more data preparation necessary for MQ summary files that for PAW files. With either pipeline, prepping the data in Excel before working in R seems easier. Care much be taken to make sure the results from the R analysis can be merged back with the main summary files. Using the protein accession as a key is a good strategy.

[NOTE: exported data was easily added back to proteinGroups sheet. Everything stayed in the original order during the R processing.]

In [119]:
final_MQ_frame <- cbind(anno_MQ, data_MQ_tmm, tt_MQ)
write.csv(final_MQ_frame, file = "final_MQ_frame.csv")

One last thing...

Let's see how a basic t-test works with the MQ data

The best statistical option in Perseus is probably a two-sample t-test with a multiple testing correction. Let's see how that compares to the edgeR analysis. We will use the shared variance option on the t-test to get a little more variance pooling.

In [120]:
# do the t-test on log transformed intensities to be safe
ttest_MQ <- log2(data_MQ_tmm)
# add average ratio columns (non-logged ratios), fold-change column, and row names
ttest_MQ$ave_media <- rowMeans(data_MQ_tmm[1:3])
ttest_MQ$ave_exo  <- rowMeans(data_MQ_tmm[4:7])
ttest_MQ$logFC <- log2(ttest_MQ$ave_exo / ttest_MQ$ave_media)
row.names(ttest_MQ) <- anno_MQ$Accession

# apply the basic two-sample t-test (we will pool variance)
t.result <- apply(ttest_MQ, 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:3], x[4:7], var.equal = TRUE))
# extract the p-value column from the t-test thingy 
ttest_MQ$p_value <- unlist(lapply(t.result, function(x) x$p.value))
# do a Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction
ttest_MQ$fdr <- p.adjust(ttest_MQ$p_value, method = "BH")

# add a DE candidate status column
ttest_MQ$candidate <- "no"
ttest_MQ[which(ttest_MQ$fdr <= 0.10 & ttest_MQ$fdr > 0.05), dim(ttest_MQ)[2]] <- "low"
ttest_MQ[which(ttest_MQ$fdr <= 0.05 & ttest_MQ$fdr > 0.01), dim(ttest_MQ)[2]] <- "med"
ttest_MQ[which(ttest_MQ$fdr <= 0.01), dim(ttest_MQ)[2]] <- "high"
ttest_MQ$candidate <- factor(ttest_MQ$candidate, levels = c("high", "med",  "low", "no"))
# count up, down and the rest (FDR less than 0.05)
all <- dim(ttest_MQ)[1]
up <- dim(ttest_MQ[(ttest_MQ$fdr <= 0.05) & (ttest_MQ$logFC > 0.0), ])[1]
down <- dim(ttest_MQ[(ttest_MQ$fdr <= 0.05) & (ttest_MQ$logFC <= 0.0), ])[1]
print("This is like the decideTest in edgeR - 5% FDR cut:")
all - up - down
print("Candidate Counts:")
# what does the test p-value distribution look like?
ggplot(ttest_MQ, aes(p_value)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 100, fill = "white", color = "black") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = mean(hist(tt_PAW$PValue, breaks = 100, plot = FALSE)$counts[26:100])) +
  ggtitle("MQ data with t-test p-value distribution")
A0A0B4J1G010.837337 10.678340 11.287945 12.837133 12.951952 13.446518 13.481274 1989.579769 9460.1531 2.2493998 2.803648e-040.005065529 high
A1L31413.719520 13.668404 14.233965 15.492162 15.491091 16.237122 16.271162 15259.16253962119.0717 2.0253605 1.170826e-030.009428638 high
A2A43212.015870 12.093459 11.943538 11.454585 11.341808 11.412210 11.600162 4150.075140 2807.9832 -0.5636031 6.106161e-040.007385838 high
A2A4P0 7.554548 8.890845 8.839845 6.778628 7.137829 8.692785 6.704690 373.629715 192.1823 -0.9591335 1.565773e-010.243009504 no
A2A5R212.822723 12.952641 13.093835 14.076816 14.180612 13.751883 13.798926 7971.58097015974.1946 1.0028054 8.532666e-040.008251022 high
Q80Y50 2.060773 1.740996 2.255183 11.360316 11.413911 9.820312 9.731165 4.096235 1777.8898 8.7616519 2.268388e-050.001739235 high
[1] "This is like the decideTest in edgeR - 5% FDR cut:"
[1] "Candidate Counts:"
In [121]:
# start with MA plot
pw_ma_plot(ttest_MQ, "ave_media", "ave_exo", "candidate", "MQ t-test data")
# now the scatter plot
pw_scatter_plot(ttest_MQ, "ave_media", "ave_exo", "candidate", "MQ t-test data")
In [122]:
volcano_tt <- data.frame(log2(ttest_MQ$ave_exo / ttest_MQ$ave_media), log10(ttest_MQ$fdr)*(-1), ttest_MQ$candidate)
colnames(volcano_tt) <- c("FoldChange", "FDR", "candidate")

# make a volcano plot
ggplot(volcano_tt, aes(x = FoldChange, y = FDR)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
  xlab("Fold-Change (Log2)") +
  ylab("-Log10 FDR") +
  ylim(c(NA, 5)) +
  ggtitle("MQ t-test Volcano Plot")
In [123]:
# replot the edgeR volcano plot on same y-scale for comparison
ggplot(volcano_MQ, aes(x = FoldChange, y = FDR)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = candidate, shape = candidate)) +
  xlab("Fold-Change (Log2)") +
  ylab("-Log10 FDR") +
  ylim(c(NA, 5)) +
  ggtitle("MQ edgeR Volcano Plot")
Warning message:
“Removed 519 rows containing missing values (geom_point).”

Plain t-test is much worse than edgeR!

Every aspect of the t-test looks pretty bad

  • less difference between candidate categories
  • many protein with small fold-changes are significant
  • less correlation between low p-value and large fold change
  • statistically significant candidates are a little biased towards higher intensities
  • "ranking" the top candidates for follow up work looks more difficult to do